We bathed in the Jordan River. Ok, most of us just dipped in up to our shins, but I testify that Mother Tina properly retaliated to some splashing hijinks that was started by yours truly. Most of us got fairly wet on this ride. We renewed our baptismal vows at the spot in the river where it is believed John baptized Jesus. Three churches hover over the spot. It’s also the traditional site for the crossing of Joshua with the children of Israel into the promised land.
Bp Ed led us in the renewal and asperged us with blessed water from the river. In concluding our renewal of vows, the Spirit moved playfully among us with picture taking, moving into the water, and spontaneous singing of “Shall we gather at the River” and “Wade in da water.”
We were renewed. The mountain of Gilboa, the valley of Jezreel, Beth Shean, and Qumran also got a visit from us today. We are well versed in the use of mosaics throughout the centuries in this land, as well as when they fell out of fashion. We are spending the night in the Dead Sea, well we’re in a hotel next to the saline soup. We did fully dip in that, gingerly. At 34% salt, it defies you to sink, keeps you well close to the surface, and is dangerous to get in mouth and eyes. Paul was ecstatic in his new experience of effortless floating.
Like Jesus and the disciples, we’re working our way to Jerusalem. Although we’d like to see a station where Jesus and the guys are bobbing like corks in the Dead Sea for a little R&R before they make their final trip into town.