Preparing for Pilgrimage

Tomorrow I leave with sixteen pastors from different denominations around the state of Indiana. We are bound for Tijuana. We’re part of the Lilly funded Wabash Pastoral Leadership Program. Our goal is to engage in with poverty just over the border and look at the human faces behind immigration and deportation. I don’t expect we’ll be coming home with any answers, but a journey for our souls that will help position us for the work of poverty and immigration issues in our own home towns.

Please pray for us and our pilgrimage.



One response to “Preparing for Pilgrimage”

  1. Sheila Davis Avatar
    Sheila Davis

    Fr. Matthew! My prayers are with you and your travel companions as you immerse yourselves in the reality of the experiences of people who are poor. May you set aside everything you think you know for an open heart and a new experience of God. Blessings of safe travel upon you!