The General Convention of The Episcopal Church gathers in Salt Lake City this week and next. It meets every three years in different locations. Last time was in 2012 in Indianapolis. General Convention is the governing body of our province of the Anglican Communion, The Episcopal Church, or TEC. We are structured differently than most other Anglican provinces around the world and it shouldn’t be any surprise that it looks like our US Congressional structure in many ways. Our Constitution and Canons were originally formed by some of the same people who framed our government. If a diocese is similar to a state then our House of Bishops look a little like the Senate. There will be close to 200 bishops attending Convention included many retired bishops. There will be 872 deputies from 109 dioceses of TEC, and forms the House of Deputies. Eight are elected from each diocese, 4 clergy and 4 lay. I’m one of the four clergy from the diocese of Northern Indiana. It is the business, legislative and even theological work of our church that’s done here, but it’s also much more. General Convention has been called “part street bazaar, part family reunion, and part legislative session.” The exhibit hall of vestment sellers, book sellers, ministry representatives, and food court is our bazaar. Running into friends from all over the country from our small church, family reunion. The hours of sitting, debating, attending meetings, participating i hearings and working on resolutions, that’s our legislative work. I’m not a blogger of any consequence in this convention party of thousands, but if you’re reading here and would like to know more about the kinds of things that we’ll encounter this fortnight, please check these out
#gc78 #Episcopal
I really like this piece from my friend Adam Trambley
Keep the Church in your prayers