Serious work in the House of Deputies this afternoon. Our morning was full of jubilation and appreciation for our Presiding Bishops and a robust conversation about the Five Marks of Mission. This afternoon we considered legislation on alcohol addictions awareness and education. The committee that prepared the resolutions for us asked 800 deputies from every diocese to consider making not drinking alcoholic drinks as normative at church functions as the consuming of alcoholic drinks. This legislation also asks that we have a sober, designated adult to help monitor the parties especially where hard liquor is served. We have been wrestling seriously with alcoholism and how we function at Episcopal Church functions since the early 1980’s. While this conversation is in response to the sad events surrounding Heather Cook’s addictions that led to the death of Thomas Palermo, this is a conversation that has been much needed in our church. Though it has undergone some development the original version of this resolution is found here and was passed by the House of Deputies. It now goes to the House of Bishops for consideration. Stay tuned, we will be considering legislation on the liturgies of same sex blessing this afternoon and the development of the full inclusion of our LBGTQ brothers and sisters. If you would like to watch the actions as they unfold, some more stimulating minutes than others, General Convention had our own cspan like channel: streaming here.
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