A Warm Bath: Returning to #DailyPrayer

At this season in my life I happen to be more faithful to the Church’s Daily Office and to my Rule of Life than I have been in others. I am blessed with a spiritual director who guides my soul and keeps me accountable. But my experience of returning to daily practice especially after a long absence, though, has always been one like that of slipping into a warm bath. It is the memory of this experience that keeps the guilt of returning after a long absence at bay. I am warmly embraced in each return. Entering into the rule, rites and relationship of prayer I can feel every pore of my body/spirit opening to the natural element being properly displaced about me, buoying me up in its accommodation. Deo gratia. I heartily commend returning to daily prayer. A blessed bath awaits.   


One response to “A Warm Bath: Returning to #DailyPrayer”

  1. Anita Thomas Avatar
    Anita Thomas

    Amen, Father.