Daylight Losing Weekend

Clocks ahead this Weekend 
Most of our digital devices do this for us automatically these days but preparing and planning for the seasonal hour change is still a minor feat of adjustment for us. I confess that I haven’t adjusted to the automatic update on my phone. First thing when I wake on these mornings is to check my iPhone time against my trusty, vintage 1972, automatic wrist watch. Just to make sure.
Now should you happen to still have a bedside device for time and wakefulness and it’s not connected to the satellites and wifi that command our lives and know our every global position, then please remember to turn your clock one hour ahead before bed on Saturday night. This is the weekend we lose that hour we gained last fall. We say we were just “saving” it. This means everything will be an hour earlier, and that’s good. Right? Maybe if you’re a natural morning person.
But the bigger question is: is it really good for us a people to do this thing we call “Daylight Saving.” The negatives of this time change actually may outweigh the positives. Read more about it here. Interesting debate. In any case, plan to do everything an hour earlier starting Sunday, including church. That way you’ll be sure to  to be on time for Adult Forum, Sunday School and Worship on Sunday.
Regardless of the adjustments we will all make to accommodate the changes, they will not be automatically accepted. Our bodies are still, thankfully, not wifi connected to the World Clock.  So be easy with yourself and plan ahead as you spring ahead. Remember that most of us will still be sleepy, grumpy and later showing up than we would choose. But come anyway. We’ll all be in the same boat. Peace to you on our hour losing weekend.