Category: Sermon
Sermon on the Last Sunday after Epiphany + 26 February, 2017 + Transfiguration
What are you afraid of? As a child, I was afraid of the usual things that kids dread: the dark, dark houses, the high dive at the swimming pool, swimming in water where I couldn’t see the bottom, going to bed at night with my closet door left open and worst of all—my bedroom totally…
Being Mary, treasure these memories in your heart, you’ll need them later.
Being Mary, treasure these memories in your heart, you’ll need them later. The Rev. Matthew Cowden, Saint Michael & All Angels, South Bend 4 PM pageant service Christmas Eve December 24, 2016 (Homily just after the children and youth pageant.) I am so grateful to our pageant leaders, organizers and readers, to our wise…
Zacchaeus, Luke’s Gospel in Miniature
We are almost done with Luke. The church year is almost over, Advent is around the corner and a whole new cycle will begin with the Gospel according to Matthew. We proclaimed the concluding chapters of Luke’s gospel already, during holy week, Easter and Pentecost earlier this year. We will be concluding our hearings from…