Category: Transfiguration
Another Bethlehem?
Another Bethlehem? Maybe because it was such a nice pace after the dusty, crowded streets of Nazareth at noonday, maybe because it was significantly cooler, maybe it was the idyllic trees and rolling hills surrounding a suburban neighborhood, maybe it was the Templar church turned synagogue with couples having their wedding pictures taken as a…
Making Room at the Table : Emmaus : 3 Easter Sermon
How is our homeward walk to the familiar being interrupted by Christ? Are we making room at our table for the stranger? As in this painting, when does Christ emerge in the unexpected person? At table, where Christ most often shows up. Today’s sermon from Luke’s walk to Emmaus here in 3 Easter highlights the three tables around which Christ shows up…
Sermon on the Last Sunday after Epiphany + 26 February, 2017 + Transfiguration
What are you afraid of? As a child, I was afraid of the usual things that kids dread: the dark, dark houses, the high dive at the swimming pool, swimming in water where I couldn’t see the bottom, going to bed at night with my closet door left open and worst of all—my bedroom totally…